FAQ – Affiliate Program

Questions & Answers

The teamfocus affiliate program allows you to post a link to our product on your website, blog, facebook post or tweet, we then pay you a commission for each successful sale made that comes from that unique link.

To start earning commission for your teamfocus referrals, sign into your teamfocus account and go to Settings-> Affiliates. Click on the “Create New Link” button and you will be asked to name your unique link (e.g. facebook campaign 1). You will then be given a unique shortened URL link to share. You can see how each of your referral links is performing in the information table on the same page.

teamfocus will pay you 30% of the referred accounts monthly sale price for 2 years, as long as the referred customer continues to be a paying customer of teamfocus.

We pay all accrued commissions once per month electronically via PayPal.

There are no costs involved, the affiliate program is free join.